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 Has TR ever had a bad fan incident? Worst shows

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
{=HTG=} Posted - 01/01/2002 : 6:12:39 PM
I was just wondering, he's done a lot of shows in the past. Has a drunk fan ever yelled at him to the point of pissing Tim off. Or thrown something at him? At a Battle of the Bands show here where I live, for high school, some body hurled a bottle at a guitar player, smacking him in the face. It was pretty bad. Some people just dont have any respect.

57   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
pcbTIM Posted - 01/27/2002 : 06:31:31 AM
well.....jsoldo tried to throw one on stage but I caught it before it reached the waiting arms of TR. Later I asked him to autograph it for me and he gave me this dirty look.....wonder what it meant...

"You tried your best and you failed miserably...the lesson is: Never Try."
Fluffy Posted - 01/27/2002 : 02:41:00 AM
I do not recall any ladies undergarmets being flung at the stage at a TR show. But it could happen. I think the crowd he attracts on the female side is a little more mature than that kind of behavior. Although, maybe it has happened and I just missed it and Rew is keeping it all for himself. Damn that bastard, I can't believe he did this to me. Come to think of it I think I saw him walking around the hotel room in a bra one day. Damn him!! j/k

Peace & Keep the Faith
enthuTIMsiast Posted - 01/27/2002 : 01:43:21 AM
or has jsoldo?


I am a servant of the power behind the nothing.
{=HTG=} Posted - 01/27/2002 : 01:25:51 AM
Has a chick ever thrown their bra on stage? Haha, i've probably all ready asked that. . .oh well.

Fluffy Posted - 01/26/2002 : 08:50:10 AM
Not funny, a truly awesome occasion, worth of CHEERS and GEERS!! If life could only be so sweet. No loudmouthed YAHOOS at TR shows or any shows. Send them home to watch MTV Spring Break. Fuck the Screwheads, I say. They brought it on themselves. They may return when the learn to behave. Which will be never, I am thankful to say.

Peace & Keep the Faith
Silky The Pimp Posted - 01/22/2002 : 10:55:57 PM
Ha! How funny would it be to have security stop someone at the door... "Sorry sir, you have been blacklisted from Tim Reynolds shows. You have to leave now."

Fluffy Posted - 01/22/2002 : 10:47:00 PM
Hallelujah Brother!!! It truly is sad. It would be great if you could single those people out at shows and then when they leave ban them from any future concerts. Have a big nationally published list of people not allowed to go to concerts and ruin it for everyone else. Ahhh, UTOPIA!!!

Peace & Keep the Faith
{=HTG=} Posted - 01/22/2002 : 10:36:48 PM
Great Story. Thanks for bringing up that link Fluffy. Kinda sad how crowds like that have to ruin it for the true fans who can sit down and appreciate all that Tim does.

Fluffy Posted - 01/22/2002 : 9:36:18 PM
Hey HTG, One of the links above addresses that exact question. Here it is again in case you missed it.


Peace & Keep the Faith
pcbTIM Posted - 01/22/2002 : 9:33:44 PM

Gosh, that really sucks about the Flecktones, I hope one day i'll get to see them in concert. Hell, if anyone got up in front of me and started yelling and showing some disraspect, i'd punch him in the back of the head.

You're right! First thing tomorrow I'm going to work and punch Lenny in the back of the head!"

"War does not determine who is right, it determines who is left."
"Why would you even shake a man's hand if you're not going to help him stand."
{=HTG=} Posted - 01/22/2002 : 7:37:14 PM
Oh, forgot. Has Tim Reynolds ever given any one the finger? I saw a picture of Dave Matthews doing it, haha, it was hilarious. He was holding a chord that had his middle finger free, and he was sticking it straight up, giving some one a mean ass look. HELL YEAH.

{=HTG=} Posted - 01/22/2002 : 7:31:19 PM
enthuTIMsiast, that sounds like a good plan, little harsh though, haha. Or, I could just wait for the disraspectfull bastard to leave the show, THEN punched him in the back of the head.

enthuTIMsiast Posted - 01/22/2002 : 01:27:07 AM
That's why it's always handy to bring a roll of duct tape or gaffer's tape to shows. If someone gets out of hand, tape the bastard up, tape his ass to his chair, sit back, and enjoy the show. That way, you haven't harmed him, he's quiet (tape mouth, if necessary), he's safe (allbeit relatively), everyone can enjoy the show...

Then after the show, when you are long gone, he can get the pain you wanted to inflict on him when he has to remove the tape. I suppose it would also work better if you put a big piece of tape on his balls too, that would get him good.


I am a servant of the power behind the nothing.
tericee Posted - 01/21/2002 : 11:10:20 PM
I know that punching the back of somebody's head often seems like a good idea, but I think that the concert would end up just as ruined if a fist fight ensued...


Did I mention that I finished a marathon?
{=HTG=} Posted - 01/21/2002 : 8:30:10 PM
Gosh, that really sucks about the Flecktones, I hope one day i'll get to see them in concert. Hell, if anyone got up in front of me and started yelling and showing some disraspect, i'd punch him in the back of the head.

LizT Posted - 01/21/2002 : 12:22:31 PM
The Flecktones totally support the sentiments of the following letter.
Please read it and pass the word.....

Subject Disrespect for the Flecktones---why?
Posted by geekgirl
Posted on 8/13/01 6:30 PM
If you are the inconsiderate, rude, immature man who attended the 8-12-01 Keb Mo/ Flecktones show at the Oakdale in Wallingford CT and ruined most of the show for all of those around you:

You insisted on standing up though in the 6th row where you had a perfect, ideal view of the stage when seated, blocking the views of all the other people seated behind you, that also paid good money for their tickets. So, the quite polite security force asks you to sit, at least for "a few tunes."Could you at least sit, or speak quietly until the end of the song? No---you had to scream at the security guard over a quiet and wonderful Béla solo, ruining it for hundreds of people there to listen to the music and respect the artistry. If you wanted to take issue with your right to stand and flail around---so be it. But perhaps you should consider the right of the musician standing on stage to be heard! Or the right of all the others seated around you to see and hear as well!

So, most of you sat down. But you, sir, no, you would not. So, again, the accommodating security personnel say, fine, you can dance, but direct you to an area where you will not be blocking anyone's line of site with your spastic writhing and arm flailing. But this was not good enough for you. You had to move in the line of site of many people trying to enjoy the show.

Worse than that, you had to start talking loudly, then YELLING loudly, over another beautiful Victor Wooten solo. Screaming about freedom of expression, about enjoying the show. What is wrong with you? We were NOT there to hear a drugged out kid scream about freedom of expression. We all wanted to "be chill" (as you chided us, screaming "be chill, be chill"---who was the one screaming, buddy?) We wanted to listen to the Flecktones, get lost in the music, appreciate the amazing solos.

You absolutely RUINED this show for so many of the people around you. Odds are--you will never read this email. But for those of you that may find yourself in a similar situation, stop, and think. If you don't want to think about those around you, and have consideration for them, then think of the damn artists that you supposedly came out to hear!

I found this on Bela's site. It seems as though there are assholes everywhere and not just at TR shows!

Fluffy Posted - 01/21/2002 : 09:33:01 AM
My attack on you had an element of light heartedness and good humor behind it. I am afraid my comments toward Isaac were just plain nasty. Although there was some element of truth to the posts in the fact that I now feel I need to defend every comment I make or watch what I say as to not offend or make anyone feel I am trying to coerce them. That is the truly sad thing for me. I shall never be able to continue on the board with the same light heartedness I once had.

Peace & Keep the Faith
pcbTIM Posted - 01/19/2002 : 3:31:17 PM

Sorry to all on the board who may be thinking why is Fluffy taking this out on all of us. In my anger and frustration I may have and for that I am sorry. I did not mean to take it out on all of you but you do STUPID stuff when you are ANGRY as HELL.

Don't apologize! I find it hilarious! And I also enjoyed our "fight" just as much as my mock fight with crash258.

"War does not determine who is right, it determines who is left."
"Why would you even shake a man's hand if you're not going to help him stand."
Fluffy Posted - 01/19/2002 : 07:43:32 AM
By the way, when called the names at the top of the list, I usually am inclined to agree and almost always do!! I usually say something like, "Fuckin A buddy, I may be an asshole but I am the asshole that gets to kick you outta the fucking club. Have a great nite. Remember to come back when you can behave like a adult and take responsibility for your actions." Unfortunately it either goes over their head or in one ear and out the other. Always, I mean always kick someone out of the club with a smile on your face and a friendly attitude(laugh if possible). It only pisses them off more they can't get a rise outta you. I love fucking with asshole drunks. We had one tonite at the club who took a swing at a girl. The cops played basketball with his head for about 2 minutes when he took a swing at one of them. The guy was such a mouthy MF that when we retrieved his friend from inside to tell him his buddy was going to jail. He came out and saw him yelling at the cops and went over and said, "Shut your fucking mouth, or I am gonna beat the shit outta you!!". How drunk and/or stupid do you have to be to have your buddy say that to you. I love my job!

Peace & Keep the Faith
Fluffy Posted - 01/19/2002 : 07:22:53 AM
You know pcbdmb, You can call me an asshole, fuckhead, cocksucker, dickbreath, pussy, wimp, faggot, shitheal, pissant, motherfucker, etc etc etc and I could care less. I am frequently called these and many more at work at the club. Usually by drunk losers who fucked up real bad and are not ready to admit THEY fucked up. They really don't phase me, but some of the things our friend Isaac has come up with really take the cake. His mistake was choosing to attack my credibility, integrity, my sincerity, my intentions, and my approach. All I can say is He who lives in glass houses should not throw stones. I took his comments very personally coming from someone I consider a friend. I made the mistake of thinking I could actually have a conversation about a serious subject with someone who obviously had not intention of having a serious discussion. Instead of arguing the points, he chose to attack my approach. If you want to attack me in a conversation like that, stick to the facts, go dig up some of your own that prove YOUR point. He chose to attack me and not my comments. Am I pissed, yes VERY!! Sorry to all on the board who may be thinking why is Fluffy taking this out on all of us. In my anger and frustration I may have and for that I am sorry. I did not mean to take it out on all of you but you do STUPID stuff when you are ANGRY as HELL. And just to clarify for everyone(especially Isaac) I am not mad about the discussion, I am mad about his personal attack on me. It is much different, but I am not sure he or anyone else will understand what I am talking about. To lighten it up a bit, I thought it was fairly ironic that the 2 people that drove me from the board were the only 2 who responded to the Is Fluffy Well? post. Of course yours was a much more minor infraction, it just happened to come at the exact moment I had finished one of my massive posts to Isaac and I was very wound up. Then you commented on something criticizing me when I was actually correct and hopefully you can see how between the 2, I lost it. I admit I did over react in your situation but it was all done with a element of humor in your case. I do apologize if I got a little mean in your case. I really didn't mean it in a hateful way. I am afraid the Isaac incident has escalated to almost vindictive purportions and that is a horrible thing and I feel bad about that. Though I feel bad, I feel justified and that is more important to me.

Peace & Keep the Faith
pcbTIM Posted - 01/19/2002 : 04:39:14 AM
Wow Fluffy...you're making a bigger deal out of this that our DUAL DUEL war. I'd say lay off a bit before Isaac starts crying.

"War does not determine who is right, it determines who is left."
"Why would you even shake a man's hand if you're not going to help him stand."
Fluffy Posted - 01/19/2002 : 04:36:59 AM
Well said Black Lotus!!! Of course that is just MY opinion, and I have been told it is unwise to listen to me, for I am just trying to brainwash everyone. Although Isaac might not be too upset by this type of brainwashing.

Peace & Keep the Faith
Black Lotus Posted - 01/11/2002 : 11:13:25 AM
This is kinda funny, but whenever I go to a DMB show I wish that Tim would just walk onto stage and bust something out. When I go to a Tim show, I'm glad it's just Tim.

DMB sounds better with Tim, Tim sounds better and has more freedom alone. Not to disrespect Dave as a musician or anything, because he's great too - but he's great in the DMB. Tim is just plain great anywhere.

enthuTIMsiast Posted - 01/07/2002 : 02:29:12 AM
Putting Rew on Roadhouse duty would disrupt just as much, but seeing those spikes in his bracelet crushing into someone whose face had been screaming all night sure would be rewarding...


I am a servant of the power behind the nothing.
pcbTIM Posted - 01/07/2002 : 12:20:11 AM

Yeah, I'd suggest the electrification one. Someone yells something out of line and ZAP! he's hurtin'

The only problem with that is he'll make an even louder yell than before and really disrupt TR. I'm sure even he would become distracted by a person being fried. Maybe stop in the middle of a song and admire the sight. As soon as he's confirmed to be dead, Tim'll just pick up where he left off.

KevinLesko Posted - 01/06/2002 : 11:44:09 PM
I'm all for putting Rew on Ass-kicking duty. Anyone who is rude gets a spike bracelet in the face.

enthuTIMsiast Posted - 01/06/2002 : 11:25:13 PM
I say you should distribute pamphlets that say that if you do rude shit that rabid dogs will be unleashed on you or a laser will burn a hole in your scalp and fry your brains or your chair will be electrified.

Yeah, I'd suggest the electrification one. Someone yells something out of line and ZAP! he's hurtin'


I am a servant of the power behind the nothing.
Erich with an h Posted - 01/06/2002 : 11:00:35 PM
you should have pamphlets or advertising that says that tim doesnt tolerate the rude crowd shit. I think that would put an end to at least some of the problems.

the shows i went to were great, especialy the Offering show. I was so surprised that i didnt hear people scream and stuff, and i was really happy with the crowd. The 5/9 show @ the wetlands last year was good too, but it was a little more screaming than i wanted. definatly not to the point of irritation though.

Erich w/ an h
The Tim Reynolds Tour and Recording Database
enthuTIMsiast Posted - 01/06/2002 : 3:08:37 PM

I made it as far south as the Orange County Performing Arts Center, where I saw a show called Blast!

I can't wait for that moive.


I am a servant of the power behind the nothing.
tericee Posted - 01/06/2002 : 04:41:15 AM
Thanks for the backup Kevin!


p.s. I was almost down in your neck of the woods tonight. I made it as far south as the Orange County Performing Arts Center, where I saw a show called Blast!

http://www.honolulumarathon.org (I ran under that sign!)
Saint Jude Posted - 01/06/2002 : 03:51:18 AM
o... i must have missed that banana milking incident. . . hmm... thought i would never say that in my life time.

Patriotism is a maggot in their heads. - Henry D. Thoreau
KevinLesko Posted - 01/06/2002 : 03:46:43 AM
I think she is refering to the infamous "Banana Milk" picture. It is definetely Rew, as Fluffy doesn't sport the spike bracelets of death. I shrunk down that pic and had it as my budy icon on AIM for a while, the reactions it got were halariuos!!! "what the hell... is that a banana?" "WTF????" "What's going on with that banana?"

Saint Jude Posted - 01/06/2002 : 03:03:21 AM
Are you all stoned... did crash come and visit all of you... thats fluffy to the max.

I hope that u were all sarcastic... or else fear fluffys wrath.

Patriotism is a maggot in their heads. - Henry D. Thoreau
tericee Posted - 01/06/2002 : 02:56:33 AM


Actually, I guess that's Rew or Fluffy in the pic....either way.

I can't believe you can't tell them apart.

That's Reeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!

http://www.honolulumarathon.org (I ran under that sign!)
enthuTIMsiast Posted - 01/05/2002 : 6:23:26 PM
Actually, I guess that's Rew or Fluffy in the pic....either way.


I am a servant of the power behind the nothing.
enthuTIMsiast Posted - 01/05/2002 : 6:22:18 PM
Kevin, is that a milk shooting banana gun?

Or were you just milking your banana?


I am a servant of the power behind the nothing.
Fluffy Posted - 01/05/2002 : 07:59:09 AM
NOPE!! Actually, THIS is what I did with it YUM!!!!

Peace & Keep the Faith
pcbTIM Posted - 01/05/2002 : 04:14:15 AM

KevinLesko Posted - 01/05/2002 : 03:40:37 AM
What? I can't hear you, I've got a banana in me ear!

oooh, so that is what you ended up doing with this:

Fluffy Posted - 01/03/2002 : 02:59:54 AM
What? I can't hear you, I've got a banana in me ear!

Peace & Keep the Faith
tericee Posted - 01/03/2002 : 02:47:08 AM
I hate it when that happens!

http://www.honolulumarathon.org (I ran under that sign!)
enthuTIMsiast Posted - 01/03/2002 : 01:33:48 AM
Jabbing a screwdriver in there can, too.


I am a servant of the power behind the nothing.
LizT Posted - 01/03/2002 : 12:54:30 AM
Just an FYI, taking too much aspirin can cause ringing in the ears!
tericee Posted - 01/03/2002 : 12:23:36 AM

He also has tinitis(sp please Teri)

tinˇniˇtus (t-nts, tn-)

A sound in one ear or both ears, such as buzzing, ringing, or whistling, occurring without an external stimulus and usually caused by a specific condition, such as an ear infection, the use of certain drugs, a blocked auditory tube or canal, or a head injury.


p.s. I didn't know that one either. Had to look it up.

http://www.honolulumarathon.org (I ran under that sign!)
Fluffy Posted - 01/02/2002 : 2:21:01 PM
I think a problem that night, was that the show was advertised to start at 730, and I don't think peter came out until between 830 and 9, then tim came on around 10 i think. So they may have been upset about the venue saying it started at 730...then again doors opening at 730 doesnt mean the show starts at 730.

This is something else clubs do to make money. It is an attempt to get people to show up early so they will buy more drinks. They don't want them showing up at the last minute, right when the act goes on. Which also contributes to peoples attitudes(angry and alcohol-sodden)when the act finally goes on. Bad vicious cycle. Club doesn't care, they made money.
I am pretty sure he did, I seem to recall him coming out to the merch table that night and there were like 6 people. Although I could be confusing it with another nite. They start to blur together from that standpoint and the many moons(tours) ago. I do remember the hotel that night was right out the back door of the club, so he might have jetted to the hotel, but I think he stuck around and signed stuff. Pretty sure.

Peace & Keep the Faith
{=HTG=} Posted - 01/02/2002 : 2:18:14 PM
Jeeze, those all suck seroius ass. LoL, nude fans. Hell, guys with guitars always get the chicks.

GuitarGuy305 Posted - 01/02/2002 : 1:36:28 PM
Yeah, I could swear too, they thought Peter Prince WAS Tim at first. They were all jazzed when Peter came out. Then Peter started playing, and these guys in the front kept yelling "What's your name?!" Actually first they were yelling "Say something!", which is something that was yelled at Tim later on as well, which makes me think that they thought Peter was Tim. Then once Peter said his name was Peter Prince (after being asked again and again, even after he had said itabout 10 times) the crowd got progressively worse. By the time Tim came out, the shouts of "TIMMAH!" were getting on my last nerve. Then I heard a few people mention how they couldnt wait for Tim to play various DMB songs.

I think a problem that night, was that the show was advertised to start at 730, and I don't think peter came out until between 830 and 9, then tim came on around 10 i think. So they may have been upset about the venue saying it started at 730...then again doors opening at 730 doesnt mean the show starts at 730.

Shitty damn crowd....

Got a question for you though Fluffy, did Tim even hang out after that Iowa City show to meet people or anything? I couldn't stay and findout myself because I had to get back to CR, but I wondered if he even stayed there, or if he said fuck em and left.


There's a lot more to music than notes on a page.

I am Ion, the priest of the inner sanctuary. I submit myself to an unendurable torment. I dismembered myself, and I have become spirit.

Email: Guitar_Boy1@yahoo.com

AIM: GuitarGuy305
Fluffy Posted - 01/02/2002 : 1:20:11 PM
That is something that the venues choose to do. We do not encourage it, for obvious reasons. Keep in mind the clubs are more worried about one thing. Filling the room! They hope it will draw more customers, and it does, only the wrong ones. The club doesn't care if it is a loud and rude crowd, they just want to fill the house. So they make money.
He doesn't always wear earplugs but when you have a bad monitor man(fear of feedback) or a loud audience(which IowaCity's had already proved themselves during Peter Prince's set)TR throws in the earplugs. He can hear fine with them in, he just has them turn the monitors up a little louder. He also has tinitis(sp please Teri) in one ear(same thing Pete Townsend has) so it really hurts his ear with loud noises. When it is a loud audience it is more because they are a distraction than because it hurts his ears. The earplugs didn't seem to help that night. What a lousy crowd.

Peace & Keep the Faith
Dave S Posted - 01/02/2002 : 1:19:20 PM
Enough about these rude crowds...i'd be more interested in hearing about nude crowds has TIM ever had any of those??

GuitarGuy305 Posted - 01/02/2002 : 12:58:14 PM

Keep in mind, I understand your frustration, probably better than anyone!

Peace & Keep the Faith

Thats a good point. Any show that someone complains about, you were there, so you know exactly what they're saying. I hope word continues to spread about Tim's music not being anything like DMB, and not being DMBs songs. That's the biggest reason why I am very, very glad that Tim has not played with DMB for a while. While I like his presence at the DMB show I went to in 98 (the day before the show on Live In Chicago) and on the Live In Chicago CD, without Tim, I simply would not have bought the LIC album. I sincerely hope though that Tim continues to go his own way musically, and that the DMB does as well. I'd like to see them play together again, but for the sake of decent crowds at Tim shows, and Tim not being immediately associated with DMB, or his solo in watchtower, but instead with You Are My Sanity, or Loose Interpretations, or Feeling Doors, I hope it's a while before Tim and the DMB/Dave cross paths again. It may be a selfish view, but that's how I feel. I value Tim's solo work way to much to see him join DMB, or even play extensively with DMB, as many DMB fans wish he would do.

It would also help if the venues didn't advertise "Tim Reynolds of the Dave Matthews Band" as someone said they saw.

By the way, if Tim had earplugs in at the Iowa City show, how can he hear his music, are they like In Ear Monitor type things?


There's a lot more to music than notes on a page.

I am Ion, the priest of the inner sanctuary. I submit myself to an unendurable torment. I dismembered myself, and I have become spirit.

Email: Guitar_Boy1@yahoo.com

AIM: GuitarGuy305
Fluffy Posted - 01/02/2002 : 12:48:16 PM
Don't worry, I don't think it will affect it. We usually expect that kind of thing to some degree the first time we play anywhere. Just because the wrong people come expecting the wrong show. Usually by the second time thru word has spread not to expect Dave or Dave songs and that keeps alot of the screamers away. I have noticed that this phenomenon does not happen as often now at first shows in an area. I think it has alot to do with word spreading thru the DMB community of fans not to go to a TR show expecting Dave songs. Hopefully we will see you again at a better show in the not to distant future.

Keep in mind, I understand your frustration, probably better than anyone!

Peace & Keep the Faith
GuitarGuy305 Posted - 01/02/2002 : 12:35:24 PM
The thing that really sucks about the shitty crowds is that Tim's reaction makes other potential Tim fans not like him, because they think his reaction to the shitty crowd is a part of his regular show. Tim screaming the lyrics to Indoctrinate at the Iowa City show comes to mind. There was also that guy from the Utah show that refused to believe that the shitty crowd was the reason for Tims behavior. And refused to believe that the crowd was rude, even though they obviously were.

I just hope that if Tim ever comes back to Iowa, the crowd is better. Even though, the fact that there isn't much to do in iowa, makes people go to shows they don't even want to go to, just because it's somethign to do. They get drunk, go to a show, get loud and obnoxious, then don't remember it the next day...fun times. And yes, we could blame rude crowds at Tim shows on DMB or D&T fans that are just waiting for Tim to break into Crash or for Dave to come bounding on the stage...but we all know the DMB fans are out there, expecting Tim to play a set full of D&T songs, so it doesn't need to be elaborated on. But rude crowds in Iowa are a totally different story.

I mean, only in Cedar Rapids Iowa do you see a couple guys getting beaten, BEATEN by cops at a Live concert. They were both drunk wrestler type guys in "wife beater" tshirts, fighting over a drumstick. The cops had their nightsticks out and were wailing away on them....while the guys kept fighting....during the song...."Dance With You". If you've ever heard that song, it makes the story even more disgusting. "dance with you" is about their slowest, softest, most ballady song.

I know for a fact I am one of few Ani Difranco fans around here, and her show in Cedar Rapids fucking sold out!! I know that crowd was probably rude as hell to...but like I said, it was something to do on a saturday night, so they all went, and disrespected the real Ani fans, and Ani herself.

Anyone else live in an area where you get rude crowds at any damn show you go to?

BTW, Fluffy, don't let my rant about rude crowds in IA keep you all from coming back here. I want to see Tim play, and get a chance to meet you guys!!


There's a lot more to music than notes on a page.

I am Ion, the priest of the inner sanctuary. I submit myself to an unendurable torment. I dismembered myself, and I have become spirit.

Email: Guitar_Boy1@yahoo.com

AIM: GuitarGuy305
Fluffy Posted - 01/02/2002 : 11:37:26 AM
Well 4 shows immediately pop to my mind. Keep in mind these are only speculations on my part because they illicited quite a reaction from TR. He might have others he thought were harder or tuffer for whatever reason but he has never shared those if indeed they have occurred.
#1 in my mind would be the Bluebird show in Denver CO where the audience would just not shut up. Even Kyle was there recording and had a hard time getting them to shut up. Even after promising them recordings of the show. The people right up front were talking and leaning on the stage not even facing TR. It was so bad the monitor guy came out and turned the extra monitors around to face the RUDE audience. Unfortunately this only made them talk louder.

#2+3 would be the Utah State Univ show and the Iowa City show, which have already been gone into in great detail on other posts. Here is the link if you would like to check out the details.

#4 would be Rockford IL which has also been covered in a previous thread as well. Here is the link to that, for more details.

The only instance I can think of of something being thrown was at a college show(again Rew could tell you which one) where it had been an all day festival(outdoors) and TR played very late, so every one was quite sauced and moments after TR left the stage some IDIOT hurled a beer bottle and hit TR's guitar. Luckily there was only minimal damage but Rew was ready to kick some ass. I don't think it was intentional but still hurling a bottle in a crowd in any direction is incredibly fucking stupid. More proof to me that alcohol and humans don't MIX!!

Peace & Keep the Faith
tericee Posted - 01/02/2002 : 12:37:26 AM

Oh, what happened?

Bottomline: he caught his hair on fire. See other thread:

http://www.honolulumarathon.org (I ran under that sign!)
GuitarGuy305 Posted - 01/01/2002 : 10:03:59 PM
I'm sure Tim was close to throwing something at about just about the whole audience at the show at the Union Bar in Iowa City...maybe Fluffy knows more about that....as far as I remember, Fluffy said that was one of the worst crowds they had seen.


There's a lot more to music than notes on a page.

I am Ion, the priest of the inner sanctuary. I submit myself to an unendurable torment. I dismembered myself, and I have become spirit.

Email: Guitar_Boy1@yahoo.com

AIM: GuitarGuy305
{=HTG=} Posted - 01/01/2002 : 6:20:55 PM
Oh, what happened?

tericee Posted - 01/01/2002 : 6:15:00 PM
I don't know about Tim, but Fluffy definitely had a bad incident at the Knitting Factory last Fall!

http://www.honolulumarathon.org (I ran under that sign!)

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