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 Pictures of TR's new costumes:

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
KevinLesko Posted - 05/16/2005 : 9:16:39 PM
From San Diego:

From San Juan Capistano:

12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
enthuTIMsiast Posted - 06/29/2005 : 08:10:03 AM
This is a great one:

Mave Datthews Posted - 06/20/2005 : 11:50:43 PM
WOW... what a weird dude.

GOD i wish i could play anywhere NEAR him...
Hopeful Rolling Waves Posted - 06/18/2005 : 3:30:50 PM
Shit, Robin. Crack a beer and throw on Watcher of the Skies. You'll be A-OK.
Robin Posted - 06/17/2005 : 6:54:06 PM
I had forgotten about that fox mask and dress. I had seen similar photos and loved them. "Foxtrot" was my fave album for so long.I should pull it out and give it a listen, it's been awhile.
Peace, Robin
Hopeful Rolling Waves Posted - 06/17/2005 : 07:43:47 AM
I feel so cool. AHAHAHAHA
KevinLesko Posted - 06/17/2005 : 01:43:23 AM
found these Genesis era Peter Gabriel pics online:

Arthen Posted - 05/18/2005 : 2:04:19 PM
Holy shit, HRW. That sounds amazingly badass, I never knew PG wore a Wolf's Head during Musical Box.
Hopeful Rolling Waves Posted - 05/18/2005 : 07:32:40 AM
The Genesis DVD I gave to Fluffy for those guys to watch included a performance of Musical Box where Gabriel wears a wolf's head, and a Watcher of the Skies where Gabriel's got on some crazy make-up and wings coming off his head. I assume that's where the inspiration for this madness came from. Hot shit.
Arthen Posted - 05/18/2005 : 02:39:29 AM
The third picture down is so Peter Gabriel Genesis-esqe it gave me chills. God I cannot wait until Sunday! Look out Fluffy I'm gonna be going crazy!
KevinLesko Posted - 05/18/2005 : 02:34:59 AM
(Just wondering though, doesn't that mask get really hot?)

Yes! Fluffy said that Tim does get very hot in the mask, but he only wear it out to stage, and for the opening jam, then he unviels himself to the audience and goes into his set. I really like it. The second night was great because I knew it was coming, so it was fun to watch everyone elses reactions.
PJK Posted - 05/17/2005 : 07:57:52 AM
Awesome....really Wild!!!! When you said that he wore a costume, my curiosity was up wondering what TR would wear! All I can say is "perfect!"

(Just wondering though, doesn't that mask get really hot?)
Erich Posted - 05/16/2005 : 9:34:25 PM
http://www.photobucket.com/ !!

thats awsome Kev

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