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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jsemon2 Posted - 09/14/2007 : 9:34:53 PM
fluffy is the big guy, long hair, stevie ray vaughn hats, smells like pot. he's a pretty fucking different individual.


but yeah, they're dmb fans, so what can you do.
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
rubylith Posted - 09/27/2007 : 3:17:32 PM

HAHA the smells like pot comment was too funny.

Like imagine you are "surfing the web" and you come across some obscure blog and it informs you that you may have an oder problem?

Kind of funny.
jsemon2 Posted - 09/17/2007 : 10:09:33 PM
Tim (c)Rew is a fucking blast man. i wish i got a pic of him in CO when I was there, that guy was pimping.
Arthen Posted - 09/17/2007 : 7:38:20 PM
Spitting image of you Fluff!
GuitarGuy305 Posted - 09/17/2007 : 6:26:21 PM
Originally posted by Ranting Thespian

Hmmmmm, I think you missed something about my post. I was just being a smart ass. Hence the "phhhhhhhhhhbbbbbbbbbbttttttttttttt". And remember I was on dmbtabs.com for a while, and I will never return because of the fucking idiots that now overrun the place.

Ah yes...sarcasm hard to detect via email, message board and text message.

Fluffy Posted - 09/17/2007 : 10:48:37 AM
Just for clarification:

Tim (c)Rew(big guy, long hair, stevie ray Vaugh hats, smells like pot, a pretty fucking different individual):

Fluffy(a completely regular guy and not particularly odd in the slightest. Unless he wants to be):

Ranting Thespian Posted - 09/17/2007 : 01:11:41 AM
Hmmmmm, I think you missed something about my post. I was just being a smart ass. Hence the "phhhhhhhhhhbbbbbbbbbbttttttttttttt". And remember I was on dmbtabs.com for a while, and I will never return because of the fucking idiots that now overrun the place.
GuitarGuy305 Posted - 09/16/2007 : 10:47:30 AM
Originally posted by Ranting Thespian

Originally posted by jsemon2 . . . but yeah, they're dmb fans, so what can you do.

Hey! I'm a dmb fan! And I have fluffy's signature on Nomadic Wavelength! So phhhhhbbbbbbbtttttttttttt!

Yes...but there are DMB fans like you and me (and many others on this board) and there are DMB fans like the ones at Ants and DMBtabs...who feel the need to rip on/make fun of everything, including there supposedly favorite band and their setlist choices, guests, etc.

I come here for level headed content and discussion, but I go there for a laugh/to keep up on the goings on with DMB and to occasionally set people straight when they say stupid shit.

Ranting Thespian Posted - 09/16/2007 : 02:18:36 AM
Originally posted by jsemon2 . . . but yeah, they're dmb fans, so what can you do.

Hey! I'm a dmb fan! And I have fluffy's signature on Nomadic Wavelength! So phhhhhbbbbbbbtttttttttttt!
jsemon2 Posted - 09/15/2007 : 11:02:36 AM
that, and he loves his mac and cheese
Arthen Posted - 09/14/2007 : 11:51:42 PM
Fluffy smells like pot? Not anytime I've ever spent with him. I heard he sucks. But I just saw that on a shirt or three.
gnome44 Posted - 09/14/2007 : 10:01:38 PM

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