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 Taping At Tim Concerts

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Offspring Posted - 09/12/2005 : 1:30:10 PM
I havent been to a tim concert yet so i was wondering if you can record him. Ill be going to see him at fat tuesdays on the 20th. Can I record him and if so what types. Thanks

8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Fluffy Posted - 09/16/2005 : 4:57:54 PM
Meeting TR......

Offspring Posted - 09/16/2005 : 1:13:30 PM
Accually its my borthers and I think its an olympus. I have done some recording with It and the quality is amazing.

I cant wait to go to this concert. My first one. This is bigger than a dave concert. Less people and a chance to talk to him and have him sign my guitar. =)
enthuTIMsiast Posted - 09/16/2005 : 01:24:18 AM
what kind of camera?
Offspring Posted - 09/16/2005 : 12:59:16 AM
I just got a new video camera. IM taping the whole thing and uploading on here. YEAAAA!!!! I cant wait. First timmy concert
Offspring Posted - 09/16/2005 : 12:42:26 AM
i was also wondering if tim talks to people much after a concert. Maybe sign my guitar.
guitarisPIMP Posted - 09/12/2005 : 9:10:32 PM
Yeah! goddamnit!!!

record! bastard! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Arthen Posted - 09/12/2005 : 4:16:09 PM
You can tape, and you damn well better! Then put it up on Archive.org. That's an order!
enthuTIMsiast Posted - 09/12/2005 : 2:52:34 PM

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